BLUETTI AC200MAX : Générateur Électrique Portable Et Puissant

  • Découvrez le BLUETTI AC200MAX, un générateur électrique portable doté d'une batterie LiFePO4 de 2048Wh. Avec ses 4 sorties CA 2200W et une pointe de 4800W, c'est le partenaire idéal pour vos besoins en énergie hors réseau, en camping, et à la maison.
BLUETTI AC200MAX : Générateur Électrique Portable Et Puissant

Table des matières

  • Présentation du BLUETTI AC200MAX
  • Caractéristiques du BLUETTI AC200MAX
  • Notre avis sur le BLUETTI AC200MAX
  • Applications recommandées pour le BLUETTI AC200MAX
  • Avantages écologiques du système solaire BLUETTI
  • Comment tirer le meilleur parti de votre BLUETTI AC200MAX
BLUETTI AC200MAX : Générateur Électrique Portable Et Puissant

BLUETTI AC200MAX : Générateur Électrique Portable Et Puissant

Note du produit: 4/5 (10 avis)

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Présentation du BLUETTI AC200MAX

Caractéristiques du BLUETTI AC200MAX

  • Alimentation puissante: Un générateur avec 2048Wh de stockage grâce à des cellules LFP et un onduleur de 2200W.
  • Capacité extensible: Possibilité de connecter 2 batteries BLUETTI B300 ou 2 B230 pour une énergie substantielle.
  • Chargement super rapide: Options de chargement solaire jusqu'à 900W et entrée CA de 500W.
  • Prises multiples pour tous: 15 prises différentes pour couvrir tous vos besoins en énergie.

Notre avis sur le BLUETTI AC200MAX

Le BLUETTI AC200MAX se caractérise par sa puissance et sa polyvalence. Les utilisateurs qui recherchent une source d'alimentation pour de longues excursions en camping-car, des activités de plein air ou comme solution de secours à domicile trouveront dans le AC200MAX un produit à la hauteur. Sa batterie LiFePO4 robuste et son onduleur de haute capacité sont des arguments solides pour tous ceux qui ont besoin de fiabilité et de performance. Nous recommandons ce produit pour les personnes qui recherchent une alimentation portable de qualité supérieure.

Applications recommandées pour le BLUETTI AC200MAX

Le BLUETTI AC200MAX excelle dans de nombreuses situations. Sa capacité à fournir de l'énergie pour les camping-cars, lors de sorties en plein air, ou pour alimenter des appareils essentiels en cas de panne à la maison en fait un choix versatile. De plus, sa capacité extensible permet à l'utilisateur de s'adapter aux besoins changeants d'alimentation électrique.

Avantages écologiques du système solaire BLUETTI

Optez pour le BLUETTI AC200MAX c'est choisir une solution plus verte. Avec sa capacité à intégrer l'énergie solaire et réduire la dépendance aux combustibles fossiles, le AC200MAX appuie un mode de vie écologique et durable. Il représente un pas important vers la réduction de votre empreinte carbone.

Comment tirer le meilleur parti de votre BLUETTI AC200MAX

Pour profiter au maximum des capacités du BLUETTI AC200MAX, il est essentiel de bien comprendre ses fonctionnalités et de l'utiliser de manière optimale. Assurez-vous d'exploiter les options de chargement solaire, de planifier son utilisation pour les situations d'urgence, et de le maintenir avec soin pour garantir sa longévité et sa fiabilité.

Note du produit: 4/5 (10 avis)


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Avis de nos clients

Commenté en France le 4 novembre 2022

C'est un achat professionnel pour sécuriser l'alimentation d'un bureau, sans qu'il y ait besoin d'une commutation automatique. Il est question d'y brancher 2 panneaux photovoltaïques.Comme tout le monde, j'ai passé pas mal de temps à choisir ce modèle. J'ai tenu compte des avis des utilisateurs, notamment allemands, assez informatifs sur les problèmes de bruits (de ventilation). Merci.J'ai choisi ce modèle pour la techno Lithium FePO4 (nettement plus durable) et, a priori, une meilleure gestion de la ventilation. Les puissances d'entrées et de sorties me convenaient, ainsi que la possibilité d'ajouter des blocs de batteries supplémentaires.L'emballage est à la hauteur du poids de l'objet. Le colis est arrivé plus tôt que prévu.La construction et les matières inspirent confiance. Les poignées sont disposées de telle façon qu'il faut porter l'appareil devant soi. Vu son poids, le hisser sur une table demande un peu d'attention. L'écran tactile est fonctionnel et suffisamment pratique ; il n'est pas très lisible quand on le regarde de haut (avec un appareil laissé par terre à cause de son poids).La batterie est chargée à 65% à l'arrivée. Deux heures de charge permettent d'atteindre 99% ; le chargeur débite alors 475 W ; le chargeur est refroidi par un ventilateur : son niveau de bruit est de 51 dB SPL A @1m, le chargeur ventile en permanence.Pas de souci avec le téléchargement de l'appli ; il faut créer un compte. Un QR code à l'arrière de l'appareil permet de l'identifier et de l'associer au compte. Tout est fonctionnel.Sur une consommation AC 230 V affichée à 180-210 W (charge variable de bureau : ordi, petits équipements), le ventilateur de l'onduleur déclenche régulièrement : il est éteint 3 minutes, s'allume durant 4 minutes, s'éteint à nouveau pendant 3 minutes, etc. À mesure que le temps passe, le ventilateur s'allume plus longtemps : au bout de 2 heures, il reste allumé 7 minutes. Le niveau de bruit est de 44 dB SPL A @1m. C'est gênant avec une activité intellectuelle, mais raisonnable. Rien n'empêche de l'éloigner avec une rallonge. La signature sonore de la ventilation laisse penser que ça pourrait être optimisé.Le sinus de sortie est très propre ; la tension est bien de 230 V ; la fréquence est bien de 50 ou de 60 Hz.La puissance consommée (affichée sur l'écran ou sur l'appli) n'est identique à celle d'un wattmètre de prise que sur une charge purement résistive (testé sur un chauffage électrique) ; pour le bureau l'écart est important : l'onduleur affiche 200 W quand le wattmètre indique une consommation autour de 110 W. C'est normal, mais pour anticiper l'autonomie de l'onduleur, il vaut donc mieux l'essayer sur le poste consommateur.Je le garde !

Commenté en France le 1 novembre 2023

C'est la deuxieme batterie que j'achete, apres la premiere, j'etais super content, mais cella malheuresement, au bout de 6 mois a perdu un 5% de charge, elle passe de 95% au 100% en apein 2 minutes avec une entrée solaire de 180w, c'est qui est pas possible. Contacté le service apres vente, a voir avec eux le probleme, entre tant, je met pas plus de 3 etoiles.

Commenté en France le 27 mai 2023

Acheté en août 2022. Le produit fonctionne au top, facile d'utilisation, la qualité semble top.Novembre problème électrique divers... Mauvaise charge, se met en sécurité souvent... je contact par le service Amazon Bluetti.Ils sont très agréable, on essaye de mettre le programme à jour. Je tourne en rond jusqu'à janvier avec une moyenne d'un mail par semaine.Janvier les problèmes rendent l'appareil inutilisable.On me propose de le retourner.De Janvier à mai, deux mails minimum par semaine, les échanges sont très agréables.On m'envoie tout les transporteurs de mon département mais personne ne prend mon colis ( sauf 2 fois où il revient 1 jour après pour refus de prise en charge). Motifs des refus: transport de matières dangereuses ou et trop lourd.On me demande de rechercher des solutions de mon côté. Ce que je trouve est bien plus cher mais refusé par Bluetti.En avril je demande de l'aide à Amazon.Il me faudra ouvrir 3 fois la prise en charge garantie A à Z de amazon pour avoir un remboursement.Entre temps la boutique Bluetti change de nom chez Amazon ( même entreprise mais sous un autre nom de vendeur... ça complique les garantie...)Amazon force Bluetti à me payer.La chose est faite depuis 2 jours.Hier Bluetti me propose un retour sur palette ( la proposition que j'avais faite au départ mais trop cher pour eux au début...) .Maintenant qu'ils m'ont remboursé le retour plus cher n'est pas grave je pense...Aujourd'hui je vais réinvestir mais je ne sais pas quelle marque. Ils semble tous pareils...Surtout ne pas prendre d'avis des youtubers ils sont Achetés par les marques...donc même si le produit et vraiment bien, je ne sais pas si je conseil. Ou dans les cas de problèmes sachez que ça va être long et surtout ne rien lâcher...

Commenté en France le 11 mai 2023

Si comme moi vous avez la chance d'avoir Alix pour régler un dépannage, vous êtes chanceux cela aboutira rapidement. J'ai acheté un bluetti AC200Max qui m'a lâché après 3 mois d'utilisation. C'est un super produit dont je suis très satisfait et le problème rencontré doit pas être considéré une généralité, je n'ai juste pas eu de chance. Si ma chance a été de tomber sur Alix qui a pris le temps d'analyser mon problème de m'accompagner dans les démarches nécessaires et le suivre jusqu'à sa résolution. J'en ai reçu un nouveau et tout est rentré dans l'ordre.C'est pour cela que même les 5 🌟 attribuées e sont pas le reflet de ma satisfaction.Merci Alix.

Commenté en France le 23 janvier 2023

Face à la concurrence, ce modèle est accessible financièrement.On doit prendre en compte qu'il faut enlever 20% pour éviter de détériorer la batterie LiFePO4 de 2048 Ah. Cela abouti à 1638 Ah en réalité.Il est intéressant de noter que les panneaux photovoltaïques pourront à fournir du courant à l'AC200MAX à partir de 10 volts DC. Cela signifie que deux panneaux de 400Wc sont suffisants pour permettre de charger la batterie avec les PV. Ce modèle permet d'utiliser l'application IOS ou Android avec le Bluetooth.Dommage que ce modèle ne gère pas l'UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), mode qui permet, en cas de coupure avec le réseau principal, de prendre le relais.

Commenté aux États-Unis le 21 janvier 2022

I have a 2012 Arctic Fox 29 foot camper trailer. I got rid of my 12 volt batteries, got rid of the battery charger / power supply, installed a couple of solar panels on the roof, installed a 30 amp automatic transfer switch, hooked the camper to both the 12 volt 30 amp power supply and 120 volt 30 amp power supply and this thing is the one-stop-solution for my camper. If you are curious about details, here you go ...* I disconnected the camper from all power - including the 12 volt batteries.* I disconnected the 120 volt, 30 amp power supply line from the main breaker and attached a short piece of 10 gauge wire from the main breaker to the output of the automatic transfer switch* I connected the wire from the camper's 30 amp shore power to the "generator" side of the automatic transfer switch (the switch prefers the generator, so I used that side for the shore power so that my camper will prefer shore power)* I used a 30 amp male outlet and attached a short length of 10 gauge wire to it. Then I attached the other end to the "shore power" leg of the automatic transfer switch.* I attached the supply line from the battery to the 12 volt 30 amp adapter for the Bluetti* I plugged in the 120 volt 30 amp plug as well as the 12 volt 30 amp plug into the Bluetti* I mounted 2 solar panels and connected them in series (Negative from the first panel into the negative jack for the Bluetti's solar port, positive from the first panel to the negative of the second panel, and the positive from the 2nd panel to the positive jack for the Bluetti's solar port)* I plugged in the solar adapter and set the Bluetti for solar (as opposed to the 12 volt car charger setting)* I powered everything on and watched it workI wish this unit came with the 12 volt 30 amp adapter - it's a $20 accessory. It seems like that could be included, IMHO. But just know that if you are going to do a setup like this, don't forget to order the adapter.I also wish that you could charge via 12 volt cigarette lighter and solar at the same time. While you *can* charge from the 120 volt power supply and the solar at the same time, the solar and the cigarette lighter use the same port. It's one or the other.I don't love the 10 Amp cigarette lighter. I was hoping to use that to power my 12 volt air compressor to air up my camper's tires and my air bags, but it draws just under 20 amps, so that's a no-go. I also don't love all of the proprietary plugs. It means that you have get all of your accessories through them. So you can't just run to an automotive store and get a plug if you neglect to order the 12 volt 30 amp adapter. You have to order it and wait for it to arrive.Lastly, the power supply as a fan that runs continually. If it weren't for that, I would have been tempted to connect the power supply to the shore power so that when I plug in at a campground, it would charge automatically from the campground's connection. But having that fan running constantly means that I need to manually plug it in if I want to charge, and unplug it when I am done. Not a deal breaker, but also not great.I did test even my high wattage 12 volt devices like my furnace and the motors for my slide-outs and the lift jack. A little electrical math: amps * volts = watts. So the 12 volt, 30 amp outlet can power up to 400 watts. I never saw my usage rise above 200 watts, so (at least for MY camper) this outlet is enough to power my camper. That was one of my biggest worries, since I really didn't know how much draw some of my 12 volt accessories would require. All of my lights are LED, so that does help. A few high-draw lights can rack up the watts pretty fast.I do love that I don't need any heavy lead acid batteries anymore. I love that I can easily unplug this from my camper and take it home with me and use it as a backup power for my home in case I need it. I discovered that my camper's built-in 12 volt battery charger / power supply were horrifically inefficient. With a pair of fully charged batteries, and running nothing more than the camper's furnace, the camper ate through 2,000 watt hours in one night. It should only have used about 270 watt hours - meaning it wasted about 1,730 watt hours through its inefficiency. So I love that this system is FAR more efficient. It's also really cool that I can plug 4 USB A devices as well as a USB C device and charge my phones via 2 induction pads. The 100 watt USB C is especially nice, since I can plug my MacBook Pro into that and leave my power supply at home. You can also plug in 2 additional batteries at up to 3,000 watt hours each, for a possible total of 8,000 watt hours. That's a ton of battery.I used to use a famous AGM battery for my camper. At 660 watt hours and weighing 43.5 lbs, it would take 3 of those batteries and 130 lbs to equal the capacity of this unit. And lead acid batteries shouldn't be depleted past 50% if you want them to last. They also don't have as many charging cycles in them. To duplicate this setup, I would have to purchase 3 of those batteries, an mppt charge controller, and a 2,000 watt pure sine inverter to duplicate this setup. Even then, it would be missing some features.Please note that you need to pay attention to the load (wattage) of what you are plugging into your camper. This device has 2,000+ watt hours and can power up to 2,000 watts at one time. If you have a device (like a microwave) that draws 1,200 watts, that means it will draw 1,200 watt hours in one hour. Let's use another example: My furnace draws between 60 and 75 watts. If you divide 2,000 by 67.5 (the median between 60 & 75) you get 29.63 - which is how many hours this device will run the furnace continually before the battery is completely dead. Of course, you don't want to run your battery dead, so you need to do some math and figure out how much solar (or additional batteries) you need so that you can stay ahead of the game. The Bluetti will help you by telling you how much it is drawing so that you can get an idea of how much electricity various devices are using. (If you turn them on one at a time, this is a good way to figure out what each device draws.) But I'll say right up front that you shouldn't plan to run high wattage devices like air conditioners on this unit. Even with the maximum solar, you won't be able to stay ahead of the game. My refrigerator and water heater are also dual power, so I make sure to turn them both to propane before I unplug from shore power. But if you are looking to do some off grid camping and if you are looking to be frugal with your usage, this is a great unit to keep your camper running and maybe even use your microwave to heat up your coffee in the morning.To sum up: I'm pretty damn impressed.

Commenté au Canada le 18 août 2023

I bought the AC200Max back in July through Amazon and it arrived promptly on July 20th. I chose this for the RV plug as my plans are to use it when camping. I did get 1 trip use with it an it performed flawlessly. The App did not seem to be fully functional as the only setting available was the screen timeout. Bluetti support told me that I have to be logged in to get the full menu.It's a bit on thee heavy side but when camping I left it in the back of the truck and when not camping it was being used at home with a couple of 170watt solar panels to run some house small house circuits.I have another small system that I put together from scratch ie batteries, charge controller, inverter and wiring etc.. and was always a bit leery of the all in one system box. I have to admit however for camping this is the way to go to have it all in one package.So today my fears of system failure on a all in one system box were realized with the communication error on the Bluetti Ac200Max rendering it inoperable and now sits on the sidelines. Now this just happened today Aug 17th while trying to do a firmware update. I have contacted Bluetti and am waiting to see what the next steps will be. In my opinion the App and the menu system need to be more robust and a backup system should be embedded within the machine for a user reset. Having to send it back is going to be a PITA. Another problem that I see although I did not encounter this, is with the overload protection. The manual states that in the event of overload the output port will shut down for 20sec and the restart, but if the overload condition persists the port will be permanently locked and will require service. In my opinion this is not a good practice, if the unit has an overload it should shut down protecting itself and the user should then have to investigate and initiate a reset by turning it off completely and restarting without the problematic load that caused the overload.Any way that's my review of the unit within the first month, I'm hoping that Bluetti will resolve the issue and that I can get back to using the AC200Max sooner than later. As I said I liked the unit and concept but will await the final outcome. I'll update this no matter what happens.Update:Last night I was going through some other reviews that indicated similar problems. One reviewer said he tried many times to update and it finally worked. What he noticed was it worked when the screen was on and not gone to sleep. So I set my screen to never turn off, set the Bluetti as close I could to my wifi router, held the phone inches away and tried again. On about the 4th attempt I could see the progress bar and it was updating. So it is back up and running.I wonder if Bluetti could send out a bulletin about this to advise all users. Also the App should be improved with identifying what version it is and if the firmware is up to date. Also better and more complete help with the App. For instance, why does my device show up twice on the top of the settings screen. One has an edit symbol but no explanation how changing the name will impact operation. Everything might be obvious to you at Bluetti because you wrote and designed everything but as users we can't read your thought process and need specific and complete help files and explanations.Anyway all is good for now and will continue to use the unit and report on any other issues.

Commenté au Canada le 1 octobre 2023

UPDATE ON 2023/10/25I did a firmware update (BMS) and everything went very well: iPhone 12 with latest Bluetti app and latest iOS (16.7.2). The update took less than a minute. Like many have already suggested, I have put the screen illumination to NEVER go OFF and I made sure my iPhone screen did not go off as well. Complete success. I hope now the both battery drain will be equal as it was not before. TBC.I do not know where to start. I could have given this power station 4 stars if I was using it for an RV or camper but I bought the AC200 Max as an emergency power source for my house in case of an electric outage. I installed 600 watts of solar panels at the PV input. This Bluetti has many qualites, but many flaws as well. It’s a sturdy, well built device and it uses the best lithium batteries; the LiFePO4, they are safer and they have a longer number of recharge cycles (3500) before they start to lose capacity. The inverter works very well and is capable of peaks of more than 3000 watts. The AC voltage out is very stable. There’s many outputs available, both DC and AC. There is many inputs available as well and you can charge the unit many ways. The PV input has a capacity of 900 watts / 15 amps. The AC input can be used with the supplied AC charger but with an optional interface, you can input other DC sources such as up to 500 watts / 8 amps of PV power. In total, you can input theoretically 1400 watts but it is very difficult to achieve. The reason is because the Bluetti is limited at 15 amps. While the maximum voltage is a good 145 volts for PV and 60 volts for the AC input, the amperage is quite low at 15 and 8 amps respectively. So it’s quite difficult to get the 900-1400 watts. Here’s an example: if you install in series 9 x 100 watts solar panels, you will go over the maximum allowed because most 12 volts 100 watts panels have an average operational voltage of 20 volts. It’s very important not to go over the voltage specified because it could damage your power station. The amperage of only 15 amps also limits the possibility of plugging your panels in parallel; you can go over the 15 amps but the power station will ignore the supplemental energy generated. Buying bigger wattage panels will also limits you one way or the other. Bluetti’s own 420 watts portable panels do not reach the theoretical 900 watts if you connect two of them in series. The AC port is even more problematic because it is limited to a voltage of 60 volts and 8 amps; it’s almost impossible to reach the maximum wattage this station is supposed to reach.Apart from the technical limitations, the software is even worst. The AC200 Max is not wifi and there is no possibility to network it. The only wireless mode is Bluetooth and it’s very limited in possibilities and range you have to be relatively close to the station to connect to it. Compared to competitors such as Ecoflow, the Bluetti software is very limited; no automations, no statistics, no logs, no data outputs or inputs, no programmability. For example, it would be nice if you coukd program the Bluetti to accept power from the AC charger during the day when solar input alone is not sufficient. The only data you can check with the app on a mobile phone is the wattage, the percentage of the battery pack, the wattage delivered by the inverter, the wattage delivered to the DC ports and the wattage delivered by the AC and PV inputs. You can also trigger ON/OFF the DC and the AC output. But even these datapoints are sometimes giving strange results. For example, the PV inputs only shows the power accepted by the AC 200 Max, not the real output from the solar panels; if your battery reach 100% the PV input read 0 watts. It would be nice to see what the solar produce as well as what wattage the station accepts and if the solar continues to power the outputs, even if the battery is full. Even if on the station’s screen you can see the PV wattage and voltage, nowhere in the app you can read the PV voltage. Another confusing area is the battery management; I also own a B230 battery that is connected to the Bluetti. Both the station and external batteries are supposed to work in tandem, in parallel, but for unknown reasons, the app shows sometimes the external battery depletes faster. In order to prioritize charging the external battery, you need to connect the AC charger directly to the B230, but the apps fails to show AC input, although the batteries are being charged; you need to connect the AC charger to the main unit in order to see it in the app. Finally, even if there’s a firmware update available, many people got their unit bricked while trying to update, especially when using an iOS device. So even if Bluetti comes up with a wonderful software update, as of this writing it seems very risky to update this device; who wants to ship a 60 pound device to have it repaired? In conclusion, the Bluetti AC 200 Max is a good power station but hampered with several limitations.

Commenté aux États-Unis le 7 février 2022

First and foremost...The AC200Max is an outstanding unit with barely any competition. I did my research for almost a year reading about most units sold and available to me. My research looked into the 2Kwatt units available. After all the time spent, months worth, I decided that Bluetti had the best technology and record for my needs and investment.I received the unit and packing proved to be excellent. The unit had no harm and all components came in the box per description. I did purchase a single 200 watt Bluetti Solar Panel to test the Solar Charging ability; I'll get into that shortly.Simple enough, I pulled the unit from the box and turned it on. It had about 60% charge from factory. All powered up and lighted on per included manual. The manual is simple with good illustrations and numbers to reach for support and extra parts.This unit can be charged using:1. Wall Charger2. Car Charger3. Solar Panels4. Battery, Gas Generators, etc...I plugged the wall charger and proceeded to follow the manual to top it off the wall. This is where the labor pains started; NOTHING HAPPENED. No matter what I did, the unit did not charge using the wall charger. The wall charger worked good giving a 57.4watt reading at the tip (within specs range).I wrote to Bluetti through Amazon and directly to Support and within a day I had an answer. That was a relief since I was expecting a long and tedious wait. Support was quick to suggest testing Car Charger and Solar Charging to verify any further issues.To my surprise and due to my ignorance, I had only purchase a single P200 panel which was not enough to trickle the unit into solar charging....I was kindly suggested to purchase a second one which I promptly did. Support was quick to move heaven and earth to make it happen ASAP and I am very satisfied with their help.The car charger worked good, no issues. I was still out waiting for my panel purchase to arrive so I continued testing what the wall charger issue could be. It was not long before I found out that the AC200Max units had been having a reverse polarity issue at the 30Amp socket. I tested mine to check if mine had the issue and surely enough it did. I emailed Bluetti support on the matter and surely enough they did answer right away... I have to commend them on their prompt responses, they are quick and that was my experience.Support engaged with me back and forth emailing for weeks trying to figure out what the issue was. I am technically oriented so my idea of the problem took a different north from theirs but understanding their expertise, I kept shut and followed instructions which they did send.Support also went to the extreme to replace the wall charger and also sent parts to fix the reverse polarity issue of the 30amp socket. I am talking fast response and shipping. I was, still waiting on the panels to be delivered...More weeks into it, and many emails more, communications stopped. No more. I have been writing to Bluetti but have been placed on the ungrateful list (my opinion). Their support on the wall charger has stopped no matter to my efforts. It's a shame....I gave up on them and though they were very courteous all the time. I have not changed my opinion on the product, it is solid and extremely high quality while competitive.If only they knew that being left out in the dust with no support, other than send the unit back for repair/replace at your expense, became the solution to the problem.I have to tell that I proceeded to take maters into my own hands. I followed a few emails where the unit is opened and which led me to safely and surely understand the innards of the unit. Once open, I found that my first suspicious was right where it was merely a cable at the wall charger port inside the unit. Easy to spot and easy to fix; plug was in and unit working. It took the wall charge about 2 hours to top of the remaining 40%. I estimate the time since I was out doing some errands.Today, I have my 3 solar panels, wall charger, cables, car charger... everything works as it should and the unit is safely stored. It saddens me that it was not the units fault. Inside an envelope I found a little piece of paper that certifies the unit as being inspected. It evens tells you which inspector was...Are you thinking what I am thinking...?So, finally, this is my story. Would I buy again... I did. Am I happy with support, NO... and YES...Quality - CHECKPrice - CHECKSupport - MIXEDPERFORMANCE - CHECKI say go for it and keep your receipt...

Commenté aux États-Unis le 3 novembre 2023

After over a year of hemming and hawing over which brand to buy, Bluetti offered it at a price I was okay with during the latest Prime Day so here we are. We purchased one of these power stations for the primary purpose of staying warm should we have a prolonged power outage as it can keep our propane HVAC running. I chose the AC200MAX because we have a 30 amp RV that can plug right into it extending our off grid outings plus the generator doesn't have to be run to make a coffee at 5 in the morning-respect to the others around us. What have we been using it for? Recharging our e-mountain bikes while we are out in the sticks. Well worth it!